Your donations will change the lives of many. With your generous support and donations, you will help in improving the access to both education and health care for those in need. We believe that when you educate a child, you empower a community and you secure a nation.
Support our efforts and create a better tomorrow. How would your donation support our programs? According to the Wolfensohn Center for Development at the Brookings Institute, statistics indicate that more than 200 million children under age five in developing countries are at risk of not developing to their full potential. Poverty is a major roadblock to early learning and educational pursuits. Poverty reduces access to quality health care and education.
As such, your participation in Golden Hope Foundation will help us provide books, classroom materials, and improve teacher quality. Additionally, your support allows us to help children develop healthy habits and strong bodies.
All donations can be sent in the form of checks or money orders to: Golden Hope Foundation, 9942 S Western Ave., Chicago, IL 60643.
For more information about how you can help, please contact 773-779-8556.