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773-779-8556 Let’s Empower Our Youth Together

Our duty is to continue empowering our youth and their families by providing them opportunities for quality education and health care.

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Our Mission

The mission of Golden Hope Foundation is to transform lives through supporting and initiating programs that increase access to quality education and health care in communities of extreme need and poverty around the world.


Our vision is a world where needy children and their families in developing communities around the world are assured of their right and access to quality health care and educational programs. “We believe when you educate a child, you empower a community and you secure a nation” (Egbulefu B, 2008)

We believe that the world can be a better place when we give love, hope, and opportunity for survival by working together and teaching each other to adopt healthier lifestyles. Education is the lifeline that can pull people out of poverty, create empowerment, growth, and success.

We also believe that children are the foundation of the community and deserve access to quality early learning experiences. With committed resources, children are allowed to grow both cognitively and socially as they progress toward the next stages in life.


Ms. Beatrice Egbulefu has always been very passionate about youth and children. She has taken an active role in youth programs and activities in her local church located in Evergreen Park, Illinois. Finally, her passion to help disadvantaged children were realized in 2008 with the establishment of BMAC Goodwill Foundation (Golden Hope Foundation).

In its infancy, BMAC Goodwill Foundation focused on helping faith-based organizations provide needed resources for early childhood learning programs and other youth-related activities. In her zeal to give hope to the children and families still waiting for that promise of hope, the name of BMAC Goodwill Foundation was changed in 2009 to Golden Hope Foundation. 

Golden Hope Foundation has extended its services beyond early learning programs to short-term medical mission trips to developing communities, scholarship assistance, health education seminars, family, and senior care programs.


Our goal is creating a better life and making a lasting positive impact on the lives of underprivileged children, families, and communities around the world. We believe we can achieve this by developing partnerships that improve, support, and promote health education and health literacy through education and medical missions.

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